Friday, June 25, 2010

Hey all I havent posted in ages but I came up with a great Idea for a post.

I am going to tell you a bunch of things that I can do/done that you might not know about me.

I have played the Trumpet since I was 13 and I love it I Use to think it was dorky and uncool but I now realise how diffrent it is and Glad that I got to learn it.
I did Japanse for two years at high school
I taught Myself In a weekend to play the button accordion
I have only been overseas once to Canada
I use to do Soccer, Sorinji Ryu Karate, Swimming and gymnastics
I Have never done a cartwheel even with doing gymnastics
I am the only grandaughter on my fathers side of the family. But I now have two lovely sister-in-laws that I love the fact we share a last name.
I did Girl guides for along time. Got alot of badges and made alot of good friends
I can still get my foot to my head.
I am slightyl addicted to facebook games. I have a small rivalry with a few friends who can become number one in all the games

Hope Everyone is doing well


  1. I only got 8 badges in Girl Guides :(
    and REALLY?! come show me how you get your foot to your head lol.

  2. I never got any badges - until your mum gave me the Reading Badge during our wedding bbq reception. I also love that you, Jen and I share a last name. :) x

  3. i haven't done a cartwheel either but i won't stop trying!

  4. Ahh I just saw that I had comments

    Leah I will show you next time I see you
    Tez If you want I can find all my old badges and you can pick the ones that you want out of them.
    Faiza I love that you are still trying to do cartwheels . I have let that ship sale for me
